hi, i'm tarvi.

tarvi sitting on a couch

i’m a full-time front-end/ui/ux engineer at tuum, where i’m quite literally building the future of banking. i’m also the co-creator of swipekick.

before i entered the matrix and started coding like neo, i was making movies: short films, commercials, music videos - you name it. my main ambition was directing, but i also wrote, produced and did all the seven wonders of post-production.

nowadays i like to say that i’m making movies about creating apps and creating apps to make more movies. for me, making movies vs. coding isn’t too different. it’s an artistic process and you solve problems on every step you take. i love both, which is why i do both. i’m into creating things in general: i built my first cardboard “inventions” at the age of 4 and you can be damn sure i’ll find something to create at the age of 90.

my outlet is mostly online - youtube, instagram, swipekick. i made this website because i wanted to create the most minimalistic experience that brings together all the things i’ve done. or at least the 10% i dare to make public. i’m currently working on a short fiction film, a novel, some youtube videos, swipekick, and of course - tuum.

i hope you find something interesting here.

- tarvi
